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Finding the Right Solution for Shock and Vibration Isolation

January 29th, 2024 by David Casillo.

Vibration Isolators and Mounts Models & Specifications

Vibration isolation mounts protect machinery by reducing the amplitude and frequency of vibrational waves. Applications such as large motors and industrial machines generate powerful vibrations and excessive noise when active. Those vibrations cause damage to the equipment and create unsafe working conditions. Eventually this adversely affects product quality and can even bring production to a stop.

The basic function of a vibration isolation mount is to act as a highly stable buffer between the source of the vibration and the object or surface being isolated. When the surface on one side of the mount receives a sizable force or shock, the resulting tremors are unable to pass through to the other surface, as they would if the two surfaces connected by more conventional means. In machinery applications, vibration damping mounts acting like a shock absorber, allowing motors and equipment to operate more quietly and efficiently.

Vibration isolators typically include wire rope, spring mount, ceiling mount and seismic mount types while shock mounts include elastomer, neoprene, pad-type, stud, plate and roof mounts.

Wire Rope Isolators

Wire Rope IsolatorsShock and vibration rank among the most destructive agents in industrial environments. These disturbances erode the life of mechanical and electronic equipment – driving machinery from service long before necessary. Sometimes this premature deterioration stems from repeated overstress loadings, sometimes from fatigue failures of vital parts, and sometimes from a combination of both.

Wire rope isolators are the ideal solution for providing low frequency, highly damped vibration isolation and excellent shock attenuation. Featuring durable, metal construction, these passive isolation systems require no maintenance, use little space, and keep functioning under varying temperatures and in corrosive environments.

Spring Mount Vibration Isolators

Steel Spring Mount Vibration IsolatorMechanical springs and spring-dampers are heavy-duty isolators used for building systems and industry. Spring mounts are essential isolating equipment used in most industrial machinery which by virtue of their design have reciprocating or rotating parts that creates vibration. The vibration usually occurs due to the imbalance of the moving parts of the machine. Vibration and instability can shorten the life of any equipment, as well as transmit this vibration to other adjacent structures giving rise to high frequency noise.

Spring isolators are ideal for limiting the transmission of vibration, shock and structure borne noise over a variety of applications – from engine generator sets and small fans to heavy duty HVAC equipment and industrial machinery.

Neoprene/Elastomeric Vibration Isolation Mounts

Neoprene/Elastomeric Vibration Isolation MountsNeoprene and elastomeric vibration isolators and mounts are designed to limit the transmission of structure-borne vibration and impacts. Structure-borne shock and vibration can lead to malfunctions and shortened life of equipment, not to mention annoyance caused by vibrating building structures and generated audible noise.

Elastomeric and neoprene isolators are often used as machinery mounts or in vehicles. They absorb shock and attenuate some vibration. In addition, rubber mounts offer rugged construction, a low profile and come in a wide range of static load ranges and styles including cylindrical stud mounts.

Vibration Isolation Pad Mounts

Vibration Isolation Pad MountPads or sheets constructed of flexible materials such as elastomers, rubber, cork, dense foam and laminate materials are often used under heavy machinery, under common household items, in vehicles and other applications to reduce noise and vibration transmission.

Machinery vibration dampening pad mounts provide excellent high frequency sound attenuation and can be used effectively to prevent shock and vibration transmission in non-critical installations. These convenient, economical mounts feature bottom treads that grip the floor, ensuring stability and permitting the pad to support the leg of a machine against lateral movement without being bolted or lagged to the floor.

For vibration isolation they are primarily limited to medium and high speed equipment, and are generally economical only with light and medium weight equipment.

Seismic Mounts

Seismic MountsWith the continuous push for ever more stringent life-safety related building codes, it has become commonplace for historically non-seismic regions of the country to require seismic restraint of MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) equipment.

Fortunately there are a wide range of IBC compliant seismic mounts and restraints available that are designed to control the motion of equipment, piping and ductwork during a seismic event.

Seismic mounts are designed to provide the strength and isolation necessary to maximize the chances of these systems remaining attached to the building structure.

Ceiling Mounted Vibration Isolation Hangers

Ceiling Mounted Vibration HangerCeiling mounted vibration isolation hangers are designed for use with suspended piping and equipment in order to prevent the transmission of vibration to the building structure. Ceiling vibration hangers are available in a variety of styles including in neoprene, spring and elastomer and spring configurations to meet a range of application requirements.

Neoprene hangers are designed to isolate high frequency vibrations while spring hangers are designed to isolate low frequency vibrations. Ceiling mounted hangers with a combination of elastomer and spring elements are the best option if the desire is to isolate both low and high frequency vibrations.

Roof Mounted Vibration Isolators

Architectural Roof Mounted Vibration IsolatorsRoof mounted equipment including air handlers, fans and condensers require special handling to prevent noise and vibration from entering the building. To solve this problem rugged, structural tubular steel support systems are available for mounting rooftop mechanical equipment . Typically the vibration isolation is provided by custom-built units that incorporate both the roof curb and spring isolation into one complete structure.

Applications for Vibration Isolators and Mounts
  • Airborne avionics and equipment
  • Air handling units
  • Cameras and CCTV
  • Compressors
  • Computer equipment and disc drives
  • Control panels
  • Diesel and steam generators
  • Electrical transformers
  • Engine generator sets
  • Fans and blowers
  • Floors
  • Highway and off-highway vehicles
  • Industrial machinery
  • HVAC equipment, chillers and condensers
  • Engines, cabs and radiators
  • Machine tools
  • Marine and shipboard equipment
  • Medical Equipment
  • Motors
  • Portable equipment and machinery
  • Power plants and cooling towers
  • Printing presses
  • Pumps and centrifuges
  • Rooftop equipment
  • Suspended piping, ductwork and equipment
  • Textile machinery
Isotech Vibration Mounts and Isolators

Isotech Vibration Mounts and IsolatorsIsotech offers a complete line of vibration mounts and isolators for all applications. From vibration isolation to seismic mounts, Isotech has the right product for the job.

Mounts include spring, elastomer, neoprene, wire rope and pad-type vibration mounts and isolators for shock and vibration. Seismic vibration isolators are IBC compliant.

Vibration Isolators and Mounts Models & Specifications

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