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Model ER Restraint, Restraint Snubbers & Thrust Restraints Seismic

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The ER Series is a restraint assembly for floor mounted equipment consisting of welded steel interlocking assemblies which are welded or bolted securely to the equipment or the equipment bases and to the supporting structure. The restraint assembly surfaces which engage under seismic motion are lined with resilient elastomeric pads to protect equipment, snub seismic forces and prevent metal-to-metal contact, keeping the isolation system intact during an event. Restraints are field-adjustable.

Features & Benefits
Capable of restraining 1.0g of force
Properly-sized and spaced bolt holes included for easy mounting.
Snubber design decelerates seismic forces
Compatible with spring or elastomeric vibrators

Air handling units
Air compressors
HVAC equipment
Power generation
Electrical transformers

Model ERX. Snubbed seismic restraint system for isolated equipment

Model ER-1 1300-15800 lbs. Snubbed seismic restraints for concrete pouring forms

Model SR-250 Seismic snubber restraint

Model ER-2 1300-15800 lbs. Snubbed seismic restraints for concrete pouring forms

Model ER-2 1300-15800 lbs. Snubbed seismic restraints for steel base and rails

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